What Researcher said about Personal Scope-EX IZON
Researcher Journal : The effectiveness of the eye exercise program of Personal Scope-EX for elementary students.
Korea physical education journal.
JKSSPE, 2012, Vol.12, No.1, 97-109.
By Son won il (Kangwon National University)
Cause of Eye Issues from the research
Close range work
Read for a long time
Size of letter
Source of light
Short distance for watching TV
Mental Stress
Nutritional imbalances
Lack of exercise
Cause of Myopia
Cause of Presbyopia/Hyperopia
Short distance working
Mental factor causes tension of eyes and give pressure to medial rectus muscle and shrinking of medial rectus muscle
Age factors
Theories to improved Eye Sight
Far-sightedness, Short Sightedness, Astigmatism, Strabismus, Eye Fatigue can be cured by eye exercise from some theories such as :
Theory of eye relaxation (Helmholtz, Germany)
Ocular Muscle Exercise (Bate, USA)
Eye Vision Recovering Training (Paper, USA)
Short Sightedness Training (Dagawa, Japan)
Eye Vision Cure Training (Freeman, USA)
Yoga Massage (Jang Suko Jong, Korea)